Eternal Evil (1985)

Eternal Evil (1985)
aka The Blue Man
Article 5814 by Dave Sindelar
Date: 7-19-2020
Directed by George Mihalka
Featuring Winston Rekert, Karen Black, John Novak
Country: Canada / USA
What it is: Ghosts? Vampires? Possession?

A failed-filmmaker-turned-commercial-director takes an interest in astral projection, but then some of the people in his life begin dying in horrible ways…

This movie has a pretty dismal rating on IMDB, and I can understand why; it’s slow-moving, sometimes very cheesy (especially the score), not particularly well-mounted, and lacking in the gore that was pretty common for the genre of horror at that time. It does, however, have some novel ideas at its core, and those ideas did sustain my interest enough that I never found the movie intolerable. It also had a few plot surprises up its sleeve, which also helps. The big name in the cast is Karen Black as the girlfriend to the main character, and her performance is a little on the weird side, though given some of the plot developments, it makes a certain amount of sense. All in all, I liked it enough that I was able to set aside it’s dodgier aspects, but your mileage may vary; its 3.6 rating means quite a few people found little of interest here.

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