The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg (1936)

The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg (1936)
Article 5850 by Dave Sindelar
Date: 9-19-2020
Directed by Burt Gillett and Tom Palmer
Featuring the voice of Walter Tetley
Country: USA
What it is: Van Bueren cartoon.

Felix the Cat has the goose that laid the golden eggs, and he’s using the riches it provides to help the poor and destitute. However, Captain Kidd the pirate discovers Felix’s secret, and makes off with the goose. Can Felix recover the goose?

My favorite Felix cartoons are from the silent era, where his reality-twisting tricks were highly entertaining. I don’t quite feel the same spirit in his sound era cartoons; though Felix does use some of his old tricks for a short time in the cartoon when he’s trying to figure out how to get aboard the pirate ship, for the most part he’s no different from the other run-of-the-mill cartoon heroes of the period. Still, this is a solidly made cartoon, and there are some fun moments, especially when Felix figures out how to take the pirate’s crew out of the action.

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