Jack-Jack Attack (2005)

Jack-Jack Attack (2005)
Article 5698 by Dave Sindelar
Date: 9-29-2019
Directed by Brad Bird
Featuring the voices of Bret ‘Brook’ Parker, Bud Luckey, Eli Fucile
Country: USA
What it is: Comic animated short

A babysitter cares for a child who is the offspring of superheroes…and who is just on the verge of discovering his own superpowers.

When Pixar movies are released on DVD, they often include an original short featuring the characters and universe of the accompanying feature, in this case THE INCREDIBLES. In this case (according to IMDB), the short consists at least partially of footage cut from the original movie which involves the travails of a babysitter trying to deal with a baby’s development of superpowers. It’s easy to see why the footage was cut; had it remained, it would have given away a revelation that plays a major role in the climax of the movie too early. On its own terms, it’s an amusing item that fleshes out incidents in the original movie, but it really can’t stand on its own legs as a self-contained entity; it’s a bit confusing if you haven’t seen THE INCREDIBLES. Nevertheless, it’s a lot of fun.

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