The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan (1979)

Article 5133 by Dave Sindelar
Date: 4-19-2016
Directed by Frank De Felitta
Featuring Lindsay Wagner, Marc Singer, Alan Feinstein
Country: USA
What it is: Romantic time-travel TV-Movie

A housewife having trouble dealing with her husband’s episode of infidelity moves into an old house and discovers a dress that takes her back in time, where she falls in love with an artist that she knows to be doomed.

For those who have read my review of SOMEWHERE IN TIME, you already know that I’m not particularly keen on the “time travel romance” subgenre. Well, here’s another one, and I really don’t have much use for this one, either. It does, however, make me appreciate the elegant way that SOMEWHERE IN TIME used its fairy dust to make the story work; here the fairy dust (a magic dress that takes the heroine back in time) seems downright mundane. Still, I can’t fault the acting here, especially from Lindsay Wagner, who does an excellent job as a woman whose marriage is troubled. I find the script itself rather uneven, especially in the second half, where the action often gets mired in arguments about whether the heroine is really travelling in time or whether she’s crazy. It does appear to mine its romantic ore competently, at least based on some of the IMDB comments which show that the movie is fondly remembered. Those who do have that romantic streak will appreciate this one best.

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