Galaxy of Terror (1981)

Article 5012 by Dave Sindelar
Date: 12-8-2015
Directed by Bruce D. Clark
Featuring Edward Albert, Erin Moran, Ray Walston
Country: USA
What it is: Science fiction horror

When a spaceship doesn’t return from a hostile planet, a rescue ship is sent out to find and rescue them. However, what’s to keep them from suffering from the same fate as their predecessors…?

This is one of those movies about which I’m not really sure what I feel. On one level, I admire how much was done with a fairly low-budget; it actually looks pretty decent. I also marvel at the number of familiar names that pop up; on top of the ones listed above, it was produced by Roger Corman, features Freddy-to-be Robert Englund and the always welcome Sid Haig; the latter has only one line of dialogue and one of the most memorable death scenes in the movie. It also features future director James Cameron in a number of different capacities. I also like that even though it was no doubt inspired by ALIEN, it isn’t a slavish imitation of that movie. Still, on its own terms, I’m not sure I really care for what it is; despite a semi-mystical ending, the movie seems little more than an excuse for lots of horrible, gory killings at the hands of various assorted beasties. On that level, the movie is the equivalent of a slasher film and is probably best enjoyed on that level. Still, I can’t help but feel a little disappointed, though I will admit that some of the attacks are memorably grotesque.

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