Carry On Screaming (1966)

Article 2912 by Dave Sindelar
Viewing Date: 4-29-2009
Posting Date: 8-3-2009
Directed by Gerald Thomas
Featuring Harry H. Corbett, Kenneth Williams, Jim Dale
Country: UK

Women are disappearing in a nearby forest. Evidence indicates that monsters may be responsible for the disappearances. Do the residents of the nearby Bide-a-Wee rest home know something about this?

This is my second encounter with the Carry On gang in my cinematic journey of fantastic cinema. When I reviewed the first one, CARRY ON SPYING, I commented on how I became annoyed with Kenneth Williams’s performance; fortunately, I’ve gotten use to his style, so that’s no longer a problem. Nevertheless, I’ve come to the conclusion that this series is not really my cup of tea. With their jokes about sex, they must have been daring at the time, but nowadays, they just seem rather quaint; they’re not bad, but they seem tame and old-fashioned. This wouldn’t have made a difference if I found the movie really funny, but outside of a smile or two and a couple of chuckles, I found it predictable. Granted, it didn’t help that the two performers I enjoyed most in the movie (Charles Hawtrey and Jon Pertwee) only have what amount to cameos. Fortunately, it wasn’t painfully or desperately unfunny; it just falls flat most of the time.

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