Spies (1928)

SPIES (1928)
(a.k.a. SPIONE)
Article #907 by Dave Sindelar
Viewing Date: 9-8-2003
Posting Date: 2-5-2004
Directed by Fritz Lang
Featuring Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Gerda Maurus, Lien Deyers

A spy organization attempts to prevent a treaty with Japan, and secret agents attempt to thwart them.

I can tell the spies are supposed to be Russian because Rudolf Klein-Rogge spends most of the movie made up to look just like Lenin, and I doubt that this is more than just coincidence. At any rate, this is a pretty entertaining movie, and like all of Lang’s silent movies, it’s worth catching, though I do prefer either of his Mabuse films, METROPOLIS or M. There are some definite surreal touches here, particularly in a cafe that has a combination dance floor / boxing ring (this was in the days before mosh pits, remember). However, those looking for the touches of fantastic cinema will find little of interest here, other than a typical spy-movie style gadget or two. And despite the fact that the last part of the movie prominently features one of the scariest creatures known to man (a clown), I can’t really call it a horror movie by any means. Nevertheless, it’s exciting enough and has a truly bizarre ending.

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