The Return of Dr. X (1939)

Article #115 by Dave Sindelar
Viewing date: 7-9-2001
Posting date: 11-22-2001

When a reporter discovers a dead woman, he calls in the story to his newspaper. Unfortunately, the body vanishes and the woman later turns up alive. The reporter eventually discovers that the woman was treated by a mysterious doctor and his suspicious assistant.

The title would lead you to believe that this is a sequel to DOCTOR X, but ouside of the existence of synthetic blood to parallel the synthetic flesh of that movie, there is no real connection. This movie is notorious for being Humphrey Bogart’s sole foray into horror; reportedly, he was given the role as punishment by Warner Brothers, and he hated it. Actually, he doesn’t do a bad job in the role, but I’m glad he didn’t take to horror; if he had, it would have most likely denied the world his great performances in several classic movies. The movie itself is quite interesting; it was one of those movies that really keeps you guessing as to what explanation you’re eventually going to be given for the mysterious events. This one is worth a look.

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